- 8:00pm EST Sunday 02/10
- 11:00pm EST Sunday 02/10
- 9:00am EST Monday 02/11
You can watch the trailer for the show here: http://www.smithsonianchannel.
This mission employed Navy deep-sea divers aboard the US Navy Ship GRASP ("the Navy's Swiss army knife") to investigate targets that were potentially the Bonhomme Richard. The divers set records on this trip, having completed dives to 233 feet, and very few of them had ever worked in an extreme environment like the North Sea. The producers did an excellent job of depicting what one of our BHR missions is like (ship problems, big waves, equipment failure, bad storm, adapt and overcome.)
As one of two women on board with 69 men, it was definitely an experience! I am deeply indebted to the gallant officer who gave up his room with a private bathroom so that we ladies could live in luxury and privacy (relative terms on a ship). If I were male, I would have been in the 39-man berthing space, which looked like this:
And then there was my secret collection of Navy diver sweatshirt photos, which included this one:
I really wish I had started blogging these missions since the beginning. Someone should really make a movie out of all this.... James Cameron, where are you?...
Hope you can tune in on Sunday. And for the record, I wasn't crying at the end of the show, I was watching events on deck and looking into the sun, all the while being filmed and not knowing it! But what's TV these days without things taken out of context and made dramatic?