Monday, February 25, 2013

Mighty Ships episode available online

If you missed the episode of the TV show "Mighty Ships: USNS GRASP" which was about our 2011 Expedition with Navy deep-sea divers, you can download it from iTunes for $2.99 here:
I am speaking to an undergraduate Maritime History class at the University of Connecticut this afternoon, and am going to pose some challenges for them to discuss regarding 1) ownership of the BHR and 2) the debate over bringing up artifacts or leaving them untouched on the bottom of the sea.  Students usually come up with some great ideas and interesting perspectives, which inspires and invigorates me every time.  Just one of the things I love about teaching!


  1. Hello Melissa,

    I wondered if you had a new link as the one above for the "Mighty Ships: USNS GRASP" show seems to be broken. I have tried follow your Bonhomme Richard exploits over the years and would like to watch the episode if it come around again is something I can obtain elsewhere.

    Many thanks

    Mr. Paul Dawson

  2. Paul, I updated the post above. The show aired only on the Smithsonian Channel here in the states, and you might still find it there. I'm not sure how it aired overseas. You can download it from iTunes, though, as above. Hope that helps!
